Por pares
15 enero, 2007
  "Move on" contra la continuaciOn de la Guerra, "Adbusters" por desacelerar la rutina.

Hoy lunes 15 presento dos mensajes que me llegaron vIa Internet, el primero por parte de la organizaciOn "move-on", fechada el jueves 11, luego de la declaraciOn de George W. Bush de incrementar los efectivos en el pais invadido, y "cambiar de estrategia" para "ganar" (otra vez?, como diria Robert Fisk?). Move on se ha caracterizado por una participaciOn activa contra la guerra de Bush, y cada tanto envia mensajes como Este. A diferencia de otras organizaciones, Esta es independiente de los partidos, y aunque es en amplios sectores desconocida, su visibilidad se ha incrementado a Ultimas fechas, y cobrado fuerza por las protestas para regresar a los "hijos de la patria" (norteamericana), quienes siguen muriendo en un conflicto tan artificial, como injusto, y sobretodo, inUtil.

El segundo mensaje es de una organizaciOn denominada "Adbusters", dedicada a denunciar el consumismo, la producciOn en masa con danio ecolOgico, las marcas y el capitalismo neoliberal, en general. En este mensaje, se invita a participar en la semana del "slow-down", como un intento de "automejorar" la calidad de vida con base en la renuncia a los factores de la vida diaria que nos hace sentir "modernos" y "productivos" pero que en realidad sOlo nos enajenan, a veces sin percibirlo.

I).- Move-On:
Dear friends,

Just when we thought the war in Iraq couldn't get any worse—it has. Last night, President Bush rejected

reality, spurned the American people's verdict, and announced his new policy: military escalation in Iraq.

The newly elected United States Congress has the power to stop this madness, but it's critical to show

immediate, unified opposition from the international community.

So MoveOn is helping launch Avaaz, a new international partnership to mobilize progressive global voices.

We're starting with an emergency worldwide petition to the U.S. Congress and a powerful full-page ad in "Roll

Call"—the Washington DC newspaper read by every member of Congress and their staff.

Click below to see the ad and sign the petition:


After years of failed occupation, it's clear to everyone but George Bush that the US cannot solve this civil

conflict through force. As Bush's own top military advisors and commanders in the field have said, sending

tens of thousands more American troops will only fan the flames of this war.

World opinion matters: The American people understand the US can't police the globe by itself. That's why,

before the original invasion, Bush worked so hard to promote the involvement of Tony Blair and a few other

select world leaders to win over reluctant members of Congress.

Today, Bush stands completely alone—but it's our job to bring this point home in Washington. The ad in Roll

Call highlights Tony Blair's decision to withdraw troops in direct opposition to Bush's proposed escalation.

And the petition will help show where the global public stands.


The Bush administration is already twisting arms and doing everything it can to push this escalation through.

Congress may yet find the courage to resist—if we help them—but there's no time to lose.

Add your name to the petition. Spread the word to your friends. The Iraq crisis is a global problem. Together

we have the power, and the responsibility, to help change course.


–Eli Pariser
MoveOn.org Political Action
January 11, 2006

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

II).- Adbusters:

Dear Jammers & Creatives,

Still feeling frazzled from the December whirlwind of holiday shopping,
gift giving, and parties? Already burned out by extra hours at the
office in the New Year? Tired of spending more time in traffic than you
do with your family and friends?

It's not too late to slow down and renew your intentions for a saner,
more mindful way of life in 2007. If you're ready to experiment with a
different, more fulfilling rhythm, join us in celebrating the second

For one week, instead of running to catch the bus or zipping in and out
of traffic, try walking to work. Instead of grabbing take-out on the way
home, cook a meal with your family. Leave the TV and computer off, and
play an old-fashioned board game, or just sit and catch up with family
and friends. If possible, take a day off work -- and then while it away
with a long walk and an afternoon nap.

For some humorous inspiration, check out our Slow Down Week animation at
. Forward it to family and friends and invite them to
join you in a week of leisure.


Also on the horizon: Adbusters #70 (March/April 2007), "Blueprint for a
New Left." After taking a trouncing, the progressive left seems poised
for a major comeback. The question is, are we prepared to step up to the
plate? Can we fill the political void with new ideas and fresh
perspectives? What is our vision for the future? We'll explore these
questions and more in our next issue, due on newsstands February 19.

If you're not currently a subscriber, consider subscribing now to make
sure you don't miss "Blueprint for a New Left." Sign up for two years,
and you'll get a free 2007 Adbusters Calendar. You can renew online at
, or by calling us at 1.800.663.1243 (North American

Cheers, and remember come next week -- give it a rest and slow down!

The Adbusters Team


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Si ven por aquí a Juanita gallo, diganlé que le agradezco enormemente sus visitas a mi bló y que no le puedo comentar debido a mi estúpido firewall
Fu :

Eso del Slow Down week me parece SENSACIONAL.... nada más espérame a que acabe mi proyecto, termine de lavar los platos, recoja a mis hijos de la escuela, desempaque (todavía no he tenido tiempo.... arghhhhhh)...etc....etc...

Me esperas ????..... jajajaja
Es muy notorio el cambio del punto de vista de los ciuddanos de EE UU respecto de la guerra de invasión a Irak. Está muy claro que la mayoría no apoya la decisión de su presidente de enviar más soldados.

Seguieremos viendo cambios al norte de nuestra frontera.
Por fortuna, parece que hay un grueso sector en ese país que está en contra de las políticas guerreras.
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